Who Me?

Tom Swan Photo

Tom Swan is a published author and musician originally from Pennsylvania. Over 2 million copies of Tom’s 40 books on computer programming languages and techniques are in print and have been translated into numerous languages.

Tom Swan Sailing Photo

Tom is also an accomplished guitarist and an experienced offshore sailor, having lived aboard his sailboat for 15 years before recently moving ashore to study music — and to clean out the sand in his ears. He lives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Writing Career

In and around 1980, Tom merged a degree in journalism with his hobby of personal computing into a 25-year career, writing 40 books on computer programming languages and techniques published by Hayden, Bantam, Random House, Howard W. Sams, IDG Books, John Wiley and Sons, Que, and Hungry Minds. His best-sellers, including "Mastering Turbo Pascal," "Mastering Borland C++," "GNU C++ for Linux," and "Learn C++ Today," have been translated into eight languages.

Book Cover

Tom was a contributing editor and columnist for PC World, Dr. Dobb’s Journal, and PC Techniques, and was published frequently in other periodicals, writing over 400 programming articles and software reviews. He originated the popular and still-running Algorithm Alley for Dr. Dobb’s Journal, and for several years he edited the tips column *.* (Star Dot Star) for PC World Magazine.

Guitar and Music

Tom was captivated at a young age by popular music, teaching himself at 14 to play guitar. He performed and sang with several successful East Coast club bands in the 1970s, including his popular rock groups Lion and Snicker.

Tom Swan Performing

In the late 1970s, Tom was Business Manager for Clair Brothers Enterprises, then and now the world’s leading concert sound company, where he helped organize equipment crews and sound systems for top touring acts of the day, including Yes, Elton John, Queen, Chicago, and many other well known performers.

In his solo musical performances and videos, Tom mostly plays classical and popular tunes on electric and nylon-string guitars.